They gave evil, I became reactionist and I risk wars. In Norway USA Greece if a crime is done to you it is not always criminal to react but depends on the scene. If they had not been there I would not have done this. So they did it. I saw in telepathy... |
Images of detached nothing scenes Some images you can download for free about detached nothing states and scenes with some text on them about what was going on in such scenes, from all around the world and all different themes.. |
Since 2018 December. Detached state & good things happening. Remembered coming to Notodden with my detaching yoga and sensed happiness walking in the main street towards Saetregata for first time. Also remember some happy sun energies.. |
My childhood and my conquers. The impurity was my mother and father from 0 - 9,4 years. I was a demigod of weather, relaxing anxiety and I had luck with knowing problems by the black shadow man and father so I escaped.. |
Calming down senses with boring food. Food to eat for relaxation calming down the senses, a list of different food that is helping one to detach and relax better than other type of food. |
Movie reviews A list of movie reviews of different films that has as theme a more detaching thing, ratings of some to help the user pick the best movie... |
Free gifts and cash Want anything for free? Check out our list of free stuff, added by me and visitors. |
Videos Videos of different detaching themes |
Images..Images for the user to detach and escape a little..You can download these for free if you like any of them.
I flooded the impure forfathers father mother manics and criminals within me but the outward wasnt me. Norwegian grandmother cancer similar energy in night there as she was the consumer santa who wanted to be receiver. This outward energies causing external flood was caused by paranoia that came by another not me and the within flood was divine relax attaining extra 5 hours some days of sleep. I tried to remove a nurse who didnt know I wasnt others actions of evil who sent me to Glenna to suffer with bad neighbours,they evil, so she does same pattern here as she was first to send me to evil neighbours and I removed her as psychiatry is unified with my good cock of detach suicide and she or one of them or at least I tried to send it to her burned in this cold winter times of pain and suffering we suffer by the world and our within and she he some died finally with heat something better than cold.. Also psychiatry turned out as telepathy hores intaking lust problems as stated in Krihnas scripture cause they denied my intelligence of children doing sex if me not escaping and inside in jail bound as they also denied me from father tying to send me to jail him thinking I rule something he told me years later.
Sunny Beach Bulgaria
In Oslo around 1993 - 1996 when it was more detached better atmospherea..
Below more explanation of the definition of the nickname Zir0 and it takes time to change..
Outdoors when finally allowed me as more detached towards eternal suicide path..
Below when I was in my family area and there was a more detached night, around 20%.
Below I tried to detach and needed time as I wasnt all detached and about the yoga system I use... To never be and to neither be in pain and hell..
Image below of when I picked some poison mushrooms that can kill one, risk was belly disease so I dropped it..
Image below of first winter when I chose to suicide in 2018..
Image below of me going to the forrest..
In Boe after I started to detach as well my great relax given in 1993 to the massive hell stench world of hell anger.
My form. Zir0 as nothing
Detached scenes
Saetregata 2018 December Notodden - 2019 Februar
Sunny Beach Bulgaria 2
Leaving from the evil neighbour area
Medicating a stick it ending up without me doing it up to the wire.
Cloud circle.
Burgas Bulgaria
Hotel Suny Beach, nice trip except a shadow man in a church wanting me to have cancer in head him believing wrongly I am the 2 cars & norwegian grandmother..
Porsgrunn hotel
Jumping and drowning awares in me in a great place at Bulgaria.
Sunny beach nice at night. Except from spine head pain of the two car grandmother G.K. and a shadow man I met in school..
To know the problems and detach.
Dignitas membership
Potencial work domains..