They gave evil, I became reactionist and I risk wars.

In Norway USA Greece if a crime is done to you it is not always criminal to react but depends on the scene. If they had not been there I would not have done this. So they did it. I saw in telepathy....

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Images of detached nothing scenes to download

Some images you can download for free about detached nothing states and scenes with some text on them about what was going on in such scenes, from all around the world and all different themes..

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Since 2018 December. Detached state & good things happening.

Remembered coming to Notodden with my detaching yoga and sensed happiness walking in the main street towards Saetregata for first time. Also remember some happy sun energies..

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My childhood and my conquers from the years of 1983-1999.

The impurity was my mother and father from 0 - 9,4 years. I was a demigod of weather, relaxing anxiety and I had luck with knowing problems by the black shadow man and father so I escaped..

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Calming down senses with boring food.

Food to eat for relaxation calming down the senses, a list of different food that is helping one to detach and relax better than other type of food.

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Movie reviews of known films.

A list of movie reviews of different films that has as theme a more detaching thing, ratings of some to help the user pick the best movie to watch...

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Free gifts and cash

Want anything for free? Check out our list of free stuff, added by me and visitors.

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Videos of different detaching themes, some from NASA and worldwide known videos..

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Images..Images for the user to detach and escape a little..You can download these for free if you like any of them.

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Red liquid I thought of in December 2018 to suicide with, add max 3 glasses and burn with lighter.



Around me at first time Zir0 choosing, managed finally a more relax in Telegata 25 down apartment after long time with someone in USA and one or more in Africa lawed my brother influencing me with her anxiety of life and great truth seeker..



This life detached scene of mine and the demons destroying for me.


A day in the China tavern me drinking beers and bringing with me images were I was forgiven for acts done by demons in this life.


Dead leafs


Relax image of when I was in Holland and Norway in 1993 and a remix of what should have been done.


Outdoors scene


Karwondo - Those who signup must accept from within eternal removal of self and to others.



Saetregata. Father pig in me aware, brother continual influence, mother hell form, apostel John fear. When I detached in 2019 December removing me from the aware demons.


Bed in Telegata

Bed in Telegata during more demon removal.



Sending email about void getting a reaction, darkened outwards.



Nice void intro in Saetregata


Smoke kills, unity with planet hiv virus cancer cataclysm tuned out to detach and health and getting magic smoke gifts.



Veronica decides to die




Calming down senses with dry nuts.



Ephoria casino game



Detached confused state



Forgotten cause of detaching..



Hell anxiety in me and making friends and me out for relaxed adventure in Crete and similar attitude in hell apartment Glenna..


Do you need help with anything? Money, or other type of help? I will try to help as best as I can.