They gave evil, I became reactionist and I risk wars. In Norway USA Greece if a crime is done to you it is not always criminal to react but depends on the scene. If they had not been there I would not have done this. So they did it. I saw in telepathy.... |
Images of detached nothing scenes to download Some images you can download for free about detached nothing states and scenes with some text on them about what was going on in such scenes, from all around the world and all different themes.. |
Since 2018 December. Detached state & good things happening. Remembered coming to Notodden with my detaching yoga and sensed happiness walking in the main street towards Saetregata for first time. Also remember some happy sun energies.. |
My childhood and my conquers from the years of 1983-1999. The impurity was my mother and father from 0 - 9,4 years. I was a demigod of weather, relaxing anxiety and I had luck with knowing problems by the black shadow man and father so I escaped.. |
Calming down senses with boring food. Food to eat for relaxation calming down the senses, a list of different food that is helping one to detach and relax better than other type of food. |
Movie reviews of known films. A list of movie reviews of different films that has as theme a more detaching thing, ratings of some to help the user pick the best movie to watch... |
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Videos Videos of different detaching themes, some from NASA and worldwide known videos.. |
It is hell and problems. The best is to detach all self and if not allowed to not care of the within and out and just if one has to act give nothing within and out. Nothing energy is not bad, it is nothing, it is not something, it is relax. I have become a little better in self choosing suicide but doesnt work as far eternally done but little (got more sleep) only and so doesnt work always. I have justified myself and have nothing to do with any of all evil acts done in this life that appeared was me, though USA doesnt believe in telepathy and neither Norway it is as I saw in Crete truth, I had contact with 5 and one of them I saw in real life. I have articles explaining how others influenced me in telepathy as well outwards. In USAs society it is allowed sometimes to react but to an extent, depends different. Those who deny me and claim society is better live with panic anxiety and worse, also they become more awake instead of sleeping and having better light fire condition though that as well not worthy. Norwegian grandmother made the intelligent site but the nurse in Porsgrunn was the sheep mother snake mountain as she telepathized in lies. I myself am nothing. I also had intelligence as child, some form of head view scene observation and knowing it is anxiety and hate. I now risk hell jail cause of mother thinking I am my norwegian grandmother who had the impurity severe and the intaking energy as well who was inside me saying "She is Jesus" to be healed from her weed cannabis. We have suffered so we easily turn to hatred. The within is yes no whatever mostly so is not important and those who suffer with mania meaning aware consume become easily stressed. Sometimes we dont know what we are doing and to control the within is not easy. We have the right to think for ourselves though sometimes we can influence another negative but those who are healthy detach and so dont care of poverty, pain and cold. These words I type about those who gave cannabis, the visitors of this site and as well also those who I have spoken of in this site and offcourse mostly me. It is difficult for us and the within is yes and no and no and yes sometimes. There is anxiety and hate, there are problems and greek language is duality. To know the problem and detach, not go around being happy then cursed then angry. They try to say one thing but end up saying opposite. There are problems and hell. I and others in Europe Scandinavia are close to muslims, Asians, who are very angry people, their jails are horror and violent and fllled with evil. Their jails cut people, rape, degrade, poison with fake food and much more. I had the memory of when we were all in hell when I was a child and there we suffered and cried. I had two in me saying of problems, that they bully me and that its problems so it helped me to detach. It is just luck, choosing detach can attain focus so it is luck, chance game, one can choose void but end up in focus. To not care of the within and out. Sometimes my grandmother norwegian came inside and typed some things on the site and I have nothing to do with that. I had influence from norwegian grandmother (she had a house were same scene I was in and she had this painting of a pipe man same as cannabis so she had within powers she and 7 Eleven in Oslo to make my brother give me weed and wake up and she became manic and sick in me, also I was born by their red meat very sick as their meat was sour and stinky then eggs making me severe sick in cancer then she showered and a shadow man came then towards the living room there was this image of the pipe weed and forward a TV she opened and she became too interested in money sites and domains) who as well sent a dove who shitted a cannabis seed and then it came to our family, such law came to my brother in Norway who even though appeared as the state was very great and happiness it was a severe problem of aware. Christians speak of fasting and she ddint do such. Now there are 2 in her family, one named Rainvei and one neighbour of mine, Ranvei lives close to were grandmother lived and she had this dog wolf and christians say of people coming though angry as wolfs within. Those 2 are in same family as norwegian grandmother. Psychiatry believed I was her and so medicated me with a medicine that if you take it long time then stop you have problems sleeping and then as they now do placebo or at least dont really push the medicine needle in my ass making effect very little as well causing less sleep cause of addiction side effects. This placebo has been going on years. If they medicated the root the norwegian grandmother(s) as was their desire to heal the sick, she wouldnt have that in me from 2000. I was having evil people in me who did bad acts outwards and I was sent to a hell apartment were I was to suffer hell from their acts. I had luck and got off.
"Brother will send brother to death and father will send son to death.." Christianity. Brother lawed by norwegian grandmother though I am better with knowledge state of try to be great, came with the weed making me sick and father said me to have my eyes 14, as in some form of knowledge. The massive hell anxiety of the cannabis bucket smoke caused me to become sick psychotic, I myself have nothing to do with this time of life that was of a 15 years duration of my life, during the philosophy meditation and psychotic time. I want to add about and that were my domains before, such knowledge was bad from 1999 - 2018 December and causes problems and aware negative state, it becomes too aware, sadly cause of toxic duality though deleting it it sometimes flows in telepathy around and is some form of great thought state. I when detached did find 5000 drachmes and I could have picked it up but didnt know what and why. Also found 50 kroners in Boe once and me and my past friend found a wallet once but decided to give it back to the police to the owner. We didnt though need to follow laws and I dont remember if we got some percenteges of the money. My mother degraded me as a bride hore (were norwegian grandmother was angry with Ella her daughter within and years later outwards) and most children in USA believe to be dressed as hores is shame and bullying and she even denied me from removing the clothing so she did 2 small crimes, degradation and liberty abuse. My brother ended up cause of her to shit on himself in classroom in Crete and a daughter of a sugar store hiddenly bullied and it was the time of the cancer sickness and my brother suffered. I by myself am not so social and I dont know others so much.. In Crete I knew there were problems, I chose almost nothing, didnt do much and by knowing problems I detached. I am 41 years old and only taken direct contact 4 times to others. So veeery little social life though my mother caused me severe anxiety in childhood and I reacted what bullying she gave. Some are very happy with my alone energy that relaxes from problems and so becomes very unity by such but I am mostly alone. I did nothing all this life, from around 0 - 2024 July around. It was difficult to behave correct with so much forfather and family impurity. In simplicity it is the elders who rule, Im only 41 years old.. I have by myself consumed mostly myself and in truth justice aten the devils who were against me. I am "H" as in "Hansa" of a river place we went and drunk with others who we tried our best but mother made me show my penis and testicles in front of a girl I in confusion thought was great. I am "Prince" and I am "Kent" smoke. My site was made before that and that was me all the time, my within. To know problem and detach and suicide forever. Some could claim I am a lier, it is not easy to perform the eternal nothing state but my father said that if I change all will change, with the grandmother weed stuff, he said I could burn the house and close I did. My father once said I was smart, but I was nothing, nothing is not smart, it is nothing, and said my brother was not smart, I got anxiety and tried to solve it and after such incident Im caught up in back anxiety energy. It is ok to know the problem and it is not always the smart who is best. Sometimes the psych brings back the weed psychotic sense manic aware fake happy honour energy. Though in this site I claim others to be the cause of evil and not me, it isnt easy to have the within we have. I also am doomed to be sent to hell jail, the anger, the bullying, the shit poisoning food, the rapes, the degradations, the cuttings of pain, the heat the cold the locked up impure cell. According to the prophecy of apostel John who is just another prostitute loving my tomato relax earth times (one can say it was red so problem aware but there was this big lie of that I was God and father wanted to arrest me for problems of the world so a little truth is not bad but not good to meditate on the happy state that times cause it is not worthy it) were the devils in christianity copied me and claimed it to be their works, just snake combra hores, I am to go there in Turkey Iraq Israel Iran areas. Some dont know things so they believe I was the doer of other actions, seeng things in simple views. They dont know there is telepathy, others sending energies to one, lawing one to do bad acts and such and it can not understand the pain I was in this life causing anger. It is as if a person says: Work as a bankman, some believe the bankman is a bankman and that he chose it and the one saying to be a bankman is defined as a free energy. Last half year my norwegian grandmother has lawed an energy of ID as apostel John to sometimes telepathize and say that he will send me to jail. I saw police officers yesterday 26.06 here in psychiatry. Update: 14.07.2024: The neighbour forgave me as I am now in a new apartment and it is a great apartment except the muslim neighbour who is the jail scene. The root of the problem that caused the prophecy "Satan, Antichrist and wild beast curse to hell jail", Satan is norwegian grandmother who kills angels and destroys perfection energies, corona came cause of sex issues, some form of dna change, Antichrist and the wild beast isalso my norwegian grandmother as it is said antichrist comes with many different forms. She tries to pass this to her outcomes, mother brother and me. She didnt fast and christians are more into fasting. In christmas times she shouted like a madman dressed as santa. Their within will show in the future how they lawed me and how they were doing it. I am also doomed in jail cause USa Norway doesnt believe in telepathy and the powers she had to enter me in 2000 - 2024 around and mother police and psychiatry will change their minds as is typical confused state. I am doomed to around 23 years in jail and to suffer much. All this cause mother thought two times, once in Ierapetra Crete and once in Norway Boe that I was she, she defined me as anxiety psychotic confused and intaker and couldnt understand norwegian grandmother, her own mother, was in me. Below an image outdoors of my apartment given by Notodden goverment welfare.
I was nothing. Those who claim a simple 100% great form are not so clever as things are difficult. Cause of the severe anxiety I had 9,4 years in the start of my life with a though still psychotic fear of becoming bullied til the age of 17, the drugs increasing such problems and an incident when me as a child been bound by blasphemea from 5 years old I had relation fears making me unable of social empathy, though difficult to love it can work and I have plans to detach others who want so if I manage to become a master of nothing. .
Church and christianity is great in 2 teachings, that the path now is difficult and that many will delude you, in some form of fake life great state of this evil world. I was believed by something that I was a red pig but I was in massive hell anxiety and so couldnt be pig whom they believe is happy with shit. My Crete grandmother ate and made a swine spaggheti for us and she then shitted it out in telepathy and I turned out red, instead of detached with some water I had. My father and Crete grandfather thought my detached state in 2018 December was pig, also a woman telepathized thinking I am norwegian grandmothers in 1999 around.. My mother gave sugar once when me as baby and I sufferd and was all red and cried. The weird things I have done from 14 years old around is cause of me been offered beer and alcohol and with the norwegian grandmother lawing my brothers combination with weed it was making me crazy, I am not the offered beer weed combination making me do stupid things as that was the norwegian grandmother lawing brother giving it to me. I am neither the cannabis given to me turning me into a cannibal vampyre also known as hore within. Neither actually even the alcohol as it was given by a friend, though him copying me when I was in hell anxiety in Crete drinking my own round beer of Zir0 energy, became healed afterwards, if he didnt give it Im sure I wouldnt drink and so I neither have anything to do with the degraded acts when drunk, from 2000. Alcohol is addictive and some form of future law. So what happens is that I am born by my father and mother, then sent to school by them and so it was them not me, would have taken time to be myself, to choose it and I had only 5 years. I when quitting school was given tobacco coffee weed alcohol and when I wake up I smoke tobacco first and coffee so all acts I do during the day isnt me, it comes from others, so I am yet Zir0 (zero, nothing) during the whole day as influenced by toxics. The stench last years as I drunk from a water area of stench was my norwegian grandmother who told of me smiliar alcohol with nature. My father said that "If you change Andreas all will change". He also said once that I could burn my house cause Im crazy and after that I almost did so. I had the memory of when we were in hell and cried and suffered much. I thought I was alone in it but I had telepathy with others other observed speaking to me, so we all suffered in this before. I was in similar hell apartment in Glenna were there was anxiety, rapers and false judgers who could judge you even in sleep so I detached. I though being less prosecuted by apostle Johns prophecy of hell jail it can hit anyone. Also, I have had bad thoughts all this life and sometimes the within comes true.. As this is changing world now the evil rules as is opposite of the great society of no rape and Freud knowing it is difficult to solve theft and murder. Andreas Harkiolakis Zir0 (Pronounced "Zero") During the age of 17 I managed 15 years without eating meat and fish, influenced by a religious book I loved reading very much. I have started making websites since 2019 for the purpose of the user to detach, to bring the users to the nothing energy, to know the problems of what is and detach, by such the user becomes less aware as is not so focused in his/hers negative human condition. I learned sex from others influence and when young I wasnt well function in sex relations so sex wasnt from me. A neighbour in Crete managed to relax me very nice and I was pleased but he entered me in Norway and did it to 2 others in my family. My father judged himself saying I like food and sleep, he never really talked to me and didnt know me and my Crete grandfather was a gambling addict as I saw a knife there in Chandra were I when lost a bet cutted almost my hand off. He used to play cards. Those I speak of in this site struggled in their lifes and difficulty within to control their self powers and acts as we all had and have. It is much whatever states. Norwegian grandmother, mother of Ella, had sex trauma post traumatic stress as grandmother was severe sick in anxiety and mother had to do something about it.. Grandfather in Crete had mania meaning aware sickness of massive sense fake happy great state being a gambling money addict. Father had a little at least mania of food and dreaming during sleep.. A beauty woman had mania of consume and the norwegian grandmothers bad psych powers lawing the bee then the bird with the bad luck shitting out a seed causing weeddovesheep was severe manic of sickness of fake great state and consume in psychotic lies. A neighbour in Crete had manic sex desires, he was great relaxing so good but cause of mania didnt speak so much of problems to detach instead became more focused. I take responsability for sex acts done since 01.05.2024. I have justified myself in this site in an article, it is like this: " If a green light sign is there and many cars drive cause of the sign, then a car in front of other cars that is great in slow move as we need to suicide and be slow that yet has to drive if it drives is crashed by a car behind it that follows the green light of to drive. It is then the green light sign that is the problem, not the first driver and the driver behind him doesnt need to follow reality instead to suicide to not be and know there is a car in front of him. So the problem is the green light law sign. Some say green light is not a law but bad driving is illegal and can be defined as illegal if you stop at green light blocking cars behind of you. Prophecy of apostel John of jail of hell. "Satan, the Antichrist and the wild beast will go to jail for 1000 years and be tormented forever.." Apostel John. She entered me and became "the beast" by becoming awakened in before sleep and I before was confused and said "OK to smoke weed" so to judge this is kind of excessive.When I finally detached I was in anxiety as it took time to remove meditation of my grandmothers happy great state, I moved to Notodden in Norway and there I had anxiety in back mostly cause of my brother bringing up the future modern time of hell father as well following her and having bond state in them, 4 persons in me as well who had anxiety were the orange red form was the norwegian grandmothers senses from 2000 til 2018. My uncle Karl had powers to make others fall, and he came in me and had such power and a girl fell as he thought it in me before. He is older so more him. I destroyed some of the apartment as norwegian grandmother was the house slaughter as she phoned butchers to attack, cut, the elements, general animals, of the houses and so I left from the place and then I was told that if I didnt turn out as a sheep as before I would be butchered and in my confusion he followed such sometime but then dropped it. Norwegian grandmother gave her sins in me as she was a phone butcher and destroyed apartments in me by such.
I then moved to Notodden again to Storgata but the shadow man came hated a neighbour saying through me negative things as he didnt want me to clean the apartment. I then left to another apartment and I tried to calm down the senses of a manic consumer a store below and was told I was degraded in such act and I I had to be moved to another apartment that was great but sadly I was again having the within of norwegian grandmother in me with her aware knowledge. I in 2023 Telegata 25 apartment didnt know a bit instead was more non thinking, I had one spasm manic peace person in me I had my father saying to follow laws instead of doing what I wanted to and not care and spread out whatever, I had a Scotish person who though was right saying to me in telepathy to not think when grandmother .no was sick, I now needed to think, I had a woman in same family who stole money and she became angry with me and I had 2 others claiming my work at gambling and pc games was for fun though for detach. I dint have the luck to know them and to somehow remove such. I was then moved above apartment and the jail is in front, similarfences stuff. When I moved to Notodden as I lost my intelligence, I tried to not meditate as before but was too focused on it instead of doing it better but last apartments has been better. Some problems with my brother who is not so advanced in smoking causing anxiety and now I might leave Norway and go out to the world with the mission of to never be. I was helped by a good neighbour to sleep in Saetregata but had the severe anxiety of .no grandmother in back and headache from her, apostel John tormented me in fear within. It took time to detach and I later was lawed by a thief the same as before, Tore, from the past to become sheep and in my confusion they almost got me there. I went back to Notodden, in Storgata and I tried to remove cold and it worked a bit, I sadly had a shadow man saying of to not clean indirect and caused me to move to another apartment. I continued to have the anxiety of my grandmother and her sick condition and later I went to another apartment and was better and managed to do what I chose to in 2018 December. I had some issues with some and would have been better if I meditated more do what I want to, not care, be whatever and continue the work for suicide. I performed an act and was elevated to the above floor were though shower and kitchen is not so easy to move through there is no need to shower and eat and live. Some problems with Manos G. becoming manic in relax state, some problems with a woman who thought I was aware, some problems with father saying to follow laws and within bound, some problems with a fake love peace woman who destroyed the apartment for to not think not eat, some problems with Christopher C. who said of to not think, some problems with a priest who thought I was my brother and that I still was in try of great truth, some problems with .no grandmother having anxiety in back.. Some problems as well with Themis G. an old friend who thought I was not reacting massive stench and that there was not not my forfathers the unclean mother and father and also mother sending me to school who was in and caused anger and said I got what I deserved. Some problems with that my mother eats me and my bed instead of psychiatry to have released me from pscyh one year ago and so she reacted medication from norwegian grandmother knowing the antipsychotic in psychosis of excessive senses were one mother died in coma. My plan was to sleep better and I did becoming awake 11:00 o clock around and not earlier. I also of my less actions in this life chose to suicide and I got some happy energy in head. TI also took a nice bath to suicide though having father and grandmother norwegian in me in back anxiety. She also made me eat their true form and I got into problems. I smoked cigarettes from 14 years old and that time it was legal as when under 16 it wasnt crime. But I had the black shadow person who in telepathy said "Dont know society" and so I didnt know the rules and didnt stop smoking and start again til I was 18. I followed rules, I wasnt the thief in Crete who came in me and made me steal beer and stuff from stores and neither a friend who made me steal a camera. Neither was it my choice to drink when I was 14 so the wiskey small drink I stole wasnt me. There was once a book my brother in Norway read and it said "angels who you who you are" and so the book speaker makes me see a letter "e" who were the speaker of the book isnt an angel as he believed I was my forfathers and father mother filth, me though Zir0. The speaker is a modern demon with her "e" sheep ID stuff. She said it when my grandmother spoke much and had intelligence with conversation and so such ID is modern demon mix. She is a lier as I am nothing and sometimes demonized. I risk as me defined as the wild beast, I risk going to hell jail and be tormented meaning afraid and traumatized by it forever.I now gamble in some form of work and work for sites for the detached reason and it might take sometime. The yoga I do is "To not be" if not analyze why not by the non personal and do what I want to. Also to observe what is out in simplicity and not try to attain a great state but rather detach as goal. I wasnt that smart, and a certain person made me bully, as I had anxiety much in this life, I am 41 years old and 4 times I have contacted others. Even though I got top grades in school in Greece when child I never studied and only studied few times and blocked the whole school time from 5 to 17 around as I was sick so I was just detaching from it all and so just had luck with grades. There was though my brother and a past person I met who believed I did this for fun but was work that became fun but I did it to detach.
Do you need help with anything? Money, or other type of help? I will try to help as best as I can.